
YAESU Manuals


The download area is the result of an active cooperation between the  Radioamateur.EU


Italy and the YAESU-Museum.  Please feel free to vist this page for all your needs of actual YAESU publications.

We got a  collection of manuals online .... mostly hard to find. Please check for availability here.

All other informations... How to find a source for a manual... is located here

If you are in possession of manuals, prospects and or advertisment material of Sommerkamp Radio Products, it would by very nice of you providing me a copy or file. Your donation will be placed here a.s.a.p.

Falls Ihr noch Umterlagen, Prospekte, Bedienungsanleitungen und Service-Manuals habt, wäre es sehr nett von Euch, wenn Ihr mir eine Kopie, bzw. eine entsprechende Datei zukommen lassen könntet. Eure Spende wird dann schnellstmöglich hier als Download-Datei zur Verfügung gestellt.

This page does not contain the lot of manuals, informations mods etc for Sommerkamp / Yaesu CB radio applications. Just the real Ham-Radio.... one language!



If you are looking for an manual, please check the page from the gallerie... if I have a manual, please use the link mentioned on the page or start the download.


If you do not find... please check the following page: Links

and final c)

If you do not find any informations you need... please do not call me at 2am local time and ask my wife for some parts of  your 40 year old radio... please!


Note: Please do not hesitate to send me a mail if you need any of the below mentioned documents. I will send it to you by return mail. This are results of my collection. Please make sure your account is able to receive a “full size” mail. Some of the manuals have a 5-10 MB size. I have no chance to bring them online this time, because I do not have so mauch web space available.

If you are looking for Modifications... please check all other pages first! It is not my intention to supply the latest mods. I do support myself and please check it for mods.